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Photo by Penny Shaut. http://pennyshaut.com/ |
Howdy folks! Quite a lot has happened since last summer's cattle drive. I've moved, gotten married, adopted a cat (and a dog), and yes, I've been writing. Here is a quick rundown of links to recent articles and blog posts.
Roadtripping With the King James Bible
During my famous road trip of 2010, which was the instigation for this blog, I carried along a Victorian-era copy of the King James Bible. I wanted a book that had actually existed during the heyday of the American West, and after a lot of searching, I finally found one. I wrote about my "heirloom" for Manifold Greatness, a blog that correlates to an NEH-sponsored exhibition on the history and cultural impact of the King James Bible.
Buck Taylor, the Original Cowboy Hero
The figure of Buck Taylor, one of the stars of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, continues to intrigue me long after I returned from the West. I did a quick post on Buck for my friend Ken Ackerman's blog, Viral History.
The Reno Rodeo Cattle Drive
This piece originally appeared in the print edition of American Cowboy magazine. I spent five days driving cattle through the Nevada desert, listening to coyotes howl at night and keeping an eye out for rattlesnakes during the day. It was fantastic!
Food from the Age of Shakespeare
I like cooking and eating just as much as I enjoy history and pop culture. When I got a chance to blend the two in an article for Smithsonian, I couldn't wait! This article chronicles my experiences preparing 17th-century recipes, which have no measurements, cooking times, or temperatures. Amazingly, they were edible.